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We Offer Professional Office Cleaning For Big Flats, N.Y. 14814!!


The #3 adjuster frustration is...

By Jeff Cross

February 28, 2012

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How often do you “bug” someone for money owed to you?

That may be one of the biggest adjuster frustrations that you can easily control.

According to Peter Crosa, an independent adjuster and a Cleanfax columnist, one of the things that “bugs” him is when a restoration contractor keeps asking “Where’s my money?” when the money isn’t late.

Some contractors call daily, looking for their check. This may be for smaller firms, but the principle applies to all.

The bigger problem would be when the restoration contractor contacts the insured (the client) and starts asking about the money.

Adjusters are interested in keeping the insured happy… don’t go beyond what is normal when it comes to collecting monies owed. Most appreciate that, especially in big business, getting a check cut can take some time – patience is key.

It is always nice to get paid quickly, but reality dictates patience and a process. If you have to inquire about money owed to you for restoration work, inquire quietly and be very careful when involving the insured.

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