We Offer Janitorial Services For Horseheads, N.Y. 14845!!!

We Offer Janitorial Services For Horseheads, N.Y. 14845!!!


Got complaints?

By Larry Galler

August 07, 2012

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As a “glued to the TV” youngster, I watched countless cowboy shows and used to run around the neighborhood spouting cowboy clichés like, “We’ll cut ‘m off at the pass.”

That hokey phrase came to me from somewhere back in the dark recesses of my memory the other day when talking to a client who was in trouble with a customer over a delayed delivery. The customer was going to be furious and my client was hoping the problem would just blow over without a confrontation. But somehow we knew that it just wasn’t going to go away.

I strongly suggested that, rather than wait until the customer got so angry that they called and verbally exploded, we should “cut ‘m off at the pass” by proactively calling the customer politely and apologize, explaining the situation and what you will be doing to correct it, then giving the new expected delivery date (and then duck!).

This shows that you are aware of the situation and doing whatever you can to minimize the effect of it. You are giving assurances that you will be working to expedite it to the best of your ability and, assuming that the customer is a reasonable person, will lower the volatility of the confrontation. Of course, you still have to deliver on your promise and the customer’s new expectations.

No one wants to hear bad news but it is so much better to own up to the situation by confronting the problem head-on then wait for it to be resolved in an exchange of fury. If the problem is handled well, many, if not most, customers will be somewhat understanding. They know that problems arise, errors are occasionally made, (gosh even I will admit to making a few! Let’s see, April of 1997 I think but I digress) and most people will extend a second chance.

When problems arise and you know you will fall short of both your promises and your customer’s expectations, “cutting ‘m off at the pass” will defuse the situation enough to give you the time to deliver on your promises and hopefully keep your customer from abdicating to your competition.

Larry Galler specializes in coaching owners of small businesses to grow their business through effective marketing, customer retention programs and systemizing their business practices. Explore how he can help you during a free coaching session by calling (219)464-9463 or e-mail Larry@LarryGaller.com. Visit his website at www.OneYearToGreatness.com.

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