Alternatives to chemical cleaning from your Janitorial Company in Hornell, NY 14843

Alternatives to chemical cleaning from your Janitorial Company in Hornell, NY 14843


Lemons Aren’t Just For Ice Tea

Finally, You don’t Need toxin Cleaning Products Anymore...You Can Clean with Lemons

Lemons are not just to eat. They have many uses. One of their uses is that lemons are used as a cleaning agent.

Lemons (citric acid) is an organic acid. It is a natural preservative and is also used to add an acidic, or sour, taste to foods and soft drinks. Lemons also serves as an environmentally natural cleaning agent and acts as an antioxidant.
People like using lemons as a cleaning resource because the smell of lemons is refreshing and invigorating. For many people, a lemon smell symbolizes cleanliness. For this reason, most over-the-counter cleaners have a lemon scent in their cleaning products for consumers to get pleasure.

Some people ask, “Well how do you clean a come using lemons?”

Here is how…

How to Clean With Lemons

• How to clean laminated countertops with lemons. To start with, take a whole lemon and cut it in half. Squeeze lemon juice onto the counter. Using the lemon as a scrubber, work the juice over the counter. Leave the lemon juice on stains until you see them fade away. Then, you can rinse the surface with water and dry it. The citric acid will quickly remove the stains. This should happen fast, but tough stains may take longer. (Lemon juice from a bottle can be used in place of a real lemon.)

• How to clean copper with lemons. Clean copper-bottomed pots and pans with lemon juice. Copper fixtures can also benefit from a lemon juice cleaning:

1. Slice a lemon in half.
2. Dip it in some salt
3. Clean spots from your copper.

• How to clean countertops using lemons. Countertop stains can be removed by using lemon juice to ferment on the stain for a few minutes. Scrub the area with baking soda and watch the stains fade away. Do not leave the lemon juice sitting for too long. It can be powerful and cause damage if let on too long.

• How to remove countertop stains using vinegar and lemons. Countertop stains can be removed by allowing lemon juice to sit on the stain for a few minutes. Scrub the area with baking soda and watch the stains disappear. Do not leave the lemon juice sitting for too long. It can be powerful stuff. Vinegar can be a great cleaning ingredient, but many people dislike the vinegar smell. Adding lemon juice to vinegar when cleaning can help neutralize the vinegar smell.

• How to clean drains with lemons. Lemon rinds can be ground in the garbage disposal to freshen the drain. Use hot water with a little lemon poured down a drain. This will freshen the drain.

• How to bleach using lemons. Lemon juice acts as a natural bleaching agent. Put lemon juice onto white linens and clothing and allow them to dry in the sun. Stains will be bleached away.

• How to clean cutting boards with lemons. The same procedure works on your bread cutting boards. Rub the lemon onto the stains and let it sit. It will bleach the board, and it disinfects at the same time!

• How to clean brass with lemons. If apiece is brass plated, it will be brass on one side and solid black on the other side. You never want to use lemon on anything brass plated. Use lemons only on solid brass. Brass plated items need to be cleaned very gently with an oil soap. Never use anything acidic on it. Use the same technique for cleaning solid brass that you use for copper:

1. One half of a lemon with salt sprinkled on it
2. Rub until it is clean.
3. Rinse well with water.

• How to remove rust from clothes with lemons:

1. Put lemon juice on the rust stain and then sprinkle cream of tartar onto the top of the juice.
2. Pat it in with your finger and let it sit on the stain until the rust is gone.
The citric acid will take the rust right away. Some stains are tougher than others are, but 15-30 minutes should work just find. Launder as usual.

• How to bleach white clothes with lemon juice:

1. Mix 1/2 cup lemon juice (or use sliced lemons)
2. One gallon of hot water together
3. Soak the clothes that need bleaching.
Do not use this trick on silk. Nevertheless, this is perfect for white socks and underwear—even white polyester shirts. This can sit out from an hour to overnight, depending on how badly the clothing needs bleaching. Once they soak, remove the clothing from the mix, pour the mix into the washing machine, and wash as usual. You cannot over-bleach using lemon juice.

• How to get stains out of Tupperware with lemons. Squeeze some lemon juice in the container and then add some baking soda. Use the lemon as a cleaning tool and rub on the stain. If the stains are bad, you can let it sit overnight before you scrub the stains.

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