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A.C.S. Offers Office Floor Cleaning For Big Flats, N.Y. 14814!!!


ICAN/ATEX: How can I get tar out of carpet?

January 09, 2013

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KEYWORDS carpet / cleaning / ican/atex
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Many cleaning professionals visit the International Custodial Advisers Network (ICAN) Ask the Experts page for insight and, every business day, we deliver advice to better help you perform your job.

Wednesday’s Question:ICANATEX Logo

How do I remove tar from carpet?

Wednesday’s Answer:

tar on carpetFirst, apply a spotting gel that is formulated for tar removal and safe to use on carpet.

This treatment both keeps the solvent from running to the base of the carpet and prevents discoloration .

If the tar is heavily caked, you may need to carefully snip the tip of the fibers with duckbill scissors prior to treatment.

Agitate the gel slightly and allow it to dwell as required on the product label.

Next, blot with a white absorbent towel. Repeat the operation, if necessary, until tar is removed.

If the affected area … - Gary Clipperton, president of National Pro Clean Corporation

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